💈Chicago Readers Best💈

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Haircut: $33*

Senior Haircut: $29

Kid's Haircut: $29

Beard Trim: $25

Beard Trim with Razor Lineup: $33

Haircut and Beard Trim: $43

Haircut, Beard Trim with Razor Lineup: $50

Razor Head Shave: $40

Hot Towel Face Shave: $50

Senior Haircut and Beard: $39

Straight Razor Head Shave and Beard Trim: $50

Straight Razor Head Shave and Beard Trim with Razor Lineup $55

*Additional costs may apply

Cash Only

Our Hours

Tuesday 9-5:30

Wednesday 9-5:30

Thursday 9-5:30

Friday 9-5:30

Saturday 8-4

Father and Son News

Check out our WBEZ article to see what other people are saying about Father and Son. Click here!